Our Vision:

Founded in 2011, Yayasan Nawawi Lumpatan (YNL) is the fulfillment of Dr. Mohammad Ansori Nawawi’s lifelong dream to give back to the community that supported his own life journey. He created an education foundation that removes economic barriers to success and promotes equal access to education.

YNL’s mission is to encourage the growth of future leaders from the Lumpatan area who will strive for success on the basis of excellence and perseverance, and who will use their success in service to their community. It is our wish to identify future change-makers who, if given access to a full education, can have a continued impact beyond the scope of Yayasan Nawawi. Foundation scholarships are not meant to be repaid, but they are given with the sincerest hope that scholars will “pay it forward” by going back into their communities and lifting up the next generation of extraordinary change-makers. In the words of an Indonesian pantun:

Pisang emas dibawa berlayar (Golden bananas brought on a sailing voyage)
Kain putih didalam peti (A white cloth shroud brought in a chest)
Hutang emas dapat dibayar (A Debt of gold can be repaid)
Hutang budi dibawa mati (A Debt of kindness is taken to the grave)